platform for public benefit projects
thank you
Your entire donation will go toward sponsoring Recrear.beta and its participants. Our primary aim is to cover board and lodging of participants and guest speakers. In addition, we would like to collect a fund to cover the traveling expenses of participants coming from developing regions. Their trip might be expensive, but their personal input and participation is particularly vital and valuable for Recrear.beta and further projects of Recrear.
Thank you for your interest in Recrear. By donating to Recrear, you are supporting Recrear.beta, a grassroots project for students and young professionals in the summer of 2010, to take place in Berlin. For 21 one days, 21 young creative minds will live and grow together, with the objective to develop an international non-governmental organization to serve as a platform for public benefit projects ranging from development programs to ethical leadership.
Sponsor or donate to Recrear.beta
Sponsors of Recrear.beta
Please find more information in the downloadable brochure on Recrear and Recrear.beta to the right. You can make a direct donation via PayPal or through If you are interested becoming a sponsor of Recrear.beta, please contact us.